Pennsylvania Medicaid and Elder Law Attorney

Estate & Trust Administration

Online Probate in Montgomery County, Bucks County, and Philadelphia County

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Disclaimer: This article has been posted for general information purposes only.  You should not act upon the information in this article without first retaining legal counsel. By Robert C. Gerhard III, Certified …

What Should I Tell My Executor During My Lifetime? PART THREE

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

In the event of your death, many important tasks need to be accomplished by the person you have named to serve as executor of your Will. Some things should be …

What Should I Tell My Executor During My Lifetime? PART TWO

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

In the event of your death, many important tasks need to be accomplished by the person you have named to serve as executor of your Will. Some things should be …

What Should I Tell My Executor During My Lifetime? PART ONE

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

In the event of your death, many important tasks need to be accomplished by the person you have named to serve as executor of your Will. Some things should be …

No Probate Assets, No Estate Recovery Payback

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

When a recipient of Medical Assistance (Medicaid) long-term care benefits dies in Pennsylvania, the next of kin will be contacted by the Estate Recovery Program of Pennsylvania’s Department of Human …

What’s the Difference Between A Will And A Trust?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Understanding the differences between wills and trusts is critical in estate planning. These legal documents provide clear guidelines about how your health and assets should be managed when you are …

What Assets are Not Subject to Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Pennsylvania inheritance tax is due within 9 months of a person’s date of death on the value of most assets owned by the decedent and passed on to his or her beneficiaries. There are exceptions and assets not subject to Pennsylvania inheritance tax.  

Estate and Trust Administration

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

We help executors and trustees avoid mistakes and potential liability. We’ll help you collect and value the assets, deal with creditors, prepare the tax returns, and facilitate timely distribution to the beneficiaries …

Is Your Attorney a Certified Elder Law Attorney?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Is Your Attorney a Certified Elder Law Attorney? Robert C. Gerhard, III is certified as an elder law attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation, as authorized by the Pennsylvania Supreme …