Pennsylvania Medicaid and Elder Law Attorney

Power of Attorney

Do You Remember Who is Named In Your Power of Attorney Documents?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Over time, many people tend to forget who is named to serve in their power of attorney documents. If years have gone by since you prepared your POAs, take a quick look. You might find that you need to make an update if your primary agent has died, moved away, or is no longer able or willing to take on the responsibility. 

Should I have a Springing Power of Attorney?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

A springing power of attorney is one that only becomes effective upon the occurrence of an event. Often this triggering event is your mental incapacity caused by a medical setback …

Does a Financial Power of Attorney Grant Unlimited Power?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Can the person you name in a financial power of attorney do anything he or she wants to do? What an agent (POA) can do on your behalf depends on …

What are the legal duties of a Pennsylvania Power of Attorney?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

In Pennsylvania, the agent named in a power of attorney document has certain legal duties to fulfill. If the agent fails to meet his or her legal duties, he or …

The Required Notice Page on Pennsylvania’s Power of Attorney

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Pennsylvania financial power of attorney documents signed after July 1, 2015 must include the following “NOTICE” in capital letters at the beginning of the power of attorney. Creativity is not …

Pennsylvania Power of Attorney Documents Must Meet Certain Requirements

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Pennsylvania law sets forth certain requirements for a power of attorney to be valid. Here are some basics: Notice Page A power of attorney signed on or after April 12, …

Online Power of Attorney Documents; Buyer Beware!

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Some online power of attorney documents may not comply with current Pennsylvania law and therefore may not work when your designated agent tries to use it. If your power of …