Pennsylvania Medicaid and Elder Law Attorney

Pennsylvania Elder Law Library

Pennsylvania’s Filial Support Law: Children Can Be Held Responsible for Parent’s Unpaid Nursing Home Bill?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

Pennsylvania appellate case law has upheld lower court decisions that imposed liability on children for their parents’ unpaid nursing home bills under Pennsylvania’s filial responsibility law (also called “filial support …

How Do I Learn More about Pennsylvania’s Medicaid Estate Recovery Payback?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

This article will provide several free resources where you can find general information about the Medicaid estate recovery program. If you are actually facing a Medicaid payback through estate recovery, …

What Should I Tell My Executor During My Lifetime? PART THREE

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

In the event of your death, many important tasks need to be accomplished by the person you have named to serve as executor of your Will. Some things should be …

What Should I Tell My Executor During My Lifetime? PART TWO

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

In the event of your death, many important tasks need to be accomplished by the person you have named to serve as executor of your Will. Some things should be …

What Should I Tell My Executor During My Lifetime? PART ONE

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

In the event of your death, many important tasks need to be accomplished by the person you have named to serve as executor of your Will. Some things should be …

Medicaid Application Pending, 7 Things You Need to Know

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

So your application for Medicaid long-term care benefits is “pending” with the local County Assistance Office. Here are 7 things you need to know: You or your attorney should stay …

Top 3 Reasons Nursing Home Medicaid Benefits are Denied

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

There are many reasons why an application for Medicaid long-term care benefits can be denied. A denial of Medicaid benefits needs to be taken seriously and appealed in a timely …

Medicaid Application Process, 5-Year Look-back 5 Years of Records for Small and Inactive Accounts

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

It can make sense to close small and inactive bank accounts to make the Medicaid application process easier if you may need to apply for long-term care benefits in the …

How Long is a Power of Attorney Good for in Pennsylvania?

By Robert C. Gerhard, III

How long is a power of attorney valid in Pennsylvania? Here are a few key points: Not Invalid Due to Mere Passage of Time. In Pennsylvania a power of attorney …