Robert C. Gerhard, III lectures frequently on a variety of elder law topics.
He regularly teaches elder law continuing education courses to lawyers from across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Teaching is an excellent way to remain current in this ever changing area of law. A sampling of Attorney Gerhard's past speaking engagements is below:

Medicaid Applications in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, “Pandemic Emergency, The End Is Near” October 18, 2022. Montgomery Bar Association Elder Law Committee, MBA Bar Building Norristown, PA. Elder law attorney Robert C. Gerhard, III, Esq., presented with Pennsylvania Department of Human Services legal counsel, Mark Newell, Esq., Lesley Oakes, Esq. and former counsel Andrew Coates on the eligibility rules for Medicaid long-term care benefits, with special focus on what to do when the protections of the Family First Coronavirus Response Act are discontinued.
What Estate Planning Attorneys and Financial Professionals Need to Know About Medicaid Planning November 17, 2022. Mid-Atlantic ACTEC Fellows Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. ACTEC Fellow Robert C. Gerhard, III discussed spousal protections, transfer penalties, and other Medicaid planning issues with which ACTEC Fellows should be familiar.
Navigating Estate Recovery and Advocating for Your Client. July 20, 2017. 20th Annual Elder Law Institute, Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Harrisburg Hilton, Harrisburg, PA. Elder Law Attorney Robert C. Gerhard, III and legal counsel for the PA Department of Human Services, will present one hour of continuing legal education credit during this conference on the exceptions that apply to this Medicaid pay-back, and how to appropriately secure hardship waivers and postponement of estate recovery claims.
Current Issues with Medicaid Long-Term Care Benefits. November 15, 2017. Montgomery Bar Association Elder Law Committee, MBA Bar Building Norristown, PA. Elder law attorney Robert C. Gerhard, III, Esq., will be joined by Pennsylvania Department of Human Services legal counsel, Mark Newell, Esq. and Lesley Oakes, Esq. to discuss current issues with Medical Assistance (Medicaid) long-term care benefits and best practices to follow in the application process for Medicaid long-term care benefits. Current policies of the DHS Estate Recovery Unit will also be discussed.
2017 Elder Law Update, Year in Review. December 6, 2017. PBI Conference Center. Robert C. Gerhard, III, Tom Boulden, Esq., and Joseph P. McDonald co-present the Estate Law Year in Review, and elder law specialist Robert C. Gerhard, III will present the “Elder Law Year in Review.”
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's 19th Annual Elder Law Institute, "Pennsylvania Medical Assistance Estate Recovery, Behind The Scenes ," July 21-22, 2016. In this session, Robert C. Gerhard, III and legal counsel for the PA Department of Human Services, W. Scott Foster, Esq., discussed estate practice and procedures when dealing with an estate recovery claim for long-term care. Proper representation of your client and knowing the rules (especially the exceptions relating to hardship waiver and postponement) can result in better outcomes for your clients. Location: Lancaster Marriott, Lancaster, PA. PBI is the continuing legal education arm of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit was provided to those who attended this session. (The conference provided 12 hours CLE presentations over 2 days and is Pennsylvania's premier elder law conference.)
Excellent information and explained very well.
Attending Lawyer from past Medicaid seminar
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's "Long-term Care Planning for Seniors 2016", April 12, 2016. Robert C. Gerhard, III served as moderator and co-presenter of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute's course, "Long-term Care Planning for Seniors." Updated for 2016, the panel discussed how to guide clients through the long-term care process from beginning to end. Mr. Gerhard's main presentations were on how to qualify for Medical Assistance long-term care benefits with emphasis on the rules protecting the spouse at home from impoverishment, and co-presentation of the elder law ethics hour. Location: The PBI Conference Center, 10th Floor of the Wanamaker Building, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 6 hours of continuing legal education credits were provided, including 1 hour of ethics credit.
Top Ten Medicaid Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, , February 5, 2016. Robert C. Gerhard, III led a discussion of common "Medicaid Mistakes" in the long-term care context and how to avoid them. Montgomery County Senior Adult Activity Center, Ambler, Pennsylvania.
Medical Assistance Long-term Care , October 23, 2015. Robert C. Gerhard, III spoke to the Rotary Club of Glenside (where he is a member and past-president) about Medical Assistance long-term care benefits. Mr. Gerhard discussed the transfer penalties that apply when assets are gifted within the five-year look-back, along with other related issues. North Hills Country Club, North Hills, Pennsylvania.
Complete. Gracious. Inviting.
Attending Lawyer from past Medicaid seminar
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's "Long-term Care Planning for Seniors 2013", May 15, 2013. In this course, Robert C. Gerhard, III and a panel of veteran elder and estate planning lawyers provided expert instruction on "Long-term Care Planning for Seniors." The panel discussed how to guide clients through the long-term care process from beginning to end, how to meet a client's individual needs, spot potential challenges, and address the ethical concerns that arise along the way. Location: This was a statewide televised simulcast, broadcast from PBI headquarters to attorneys across Pennsylvania. 6 hours of continuing legal education credits were provided, including 1 hour of ethics credit.
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's 14th Annual Elder Law Institute, "Avoiding Medicaid Mistakes," July 28-29, 2011. In this session, Robert C. Gerhard, III and legal counsel for the Department of Public Welfare, Anthony Marone, Esquire, and legal counsel to Pennsylvania's Office of Inspector General, W. Scott Foster, Esquire discussed many common and several unusual Medicaid planning mistakes -and how to avoid them. Avoid the many traps for the unwary that exist in the field of Medicaid planning. Location: Harrisburg Hilton & Towers, Harrisburg, PA. PBI is the continuing legal education arm of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit was provided to those who attended this session. (12 hours over 2 days).
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's General Practitioner's Update 2011, "Estate Law Update," June 15, 2011. As part of the Estate Law Update, elder law specialist Robert C. Gerhard, III discussed the major changes in Medicaid and elder law that have occurred over the past year. Robert C. Gerhard, III Esq. specializes in elder law and focuses his practice on asset protection from nursing home costs. Location: PBI CLE Conference Center, Suite 1010, Wanamaker Building, Philadelphia, PA. PBI is the continuing legal education arm of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit was provided to those who attended this session.
Pennsylvania Bar Association's Annual Meeting, 2010; Real Property, Probate, & Trust Law Section Annual Meeting May 11, 2010. Robert C. Gerhard, III was invited by the PBA Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law Section to provide continuing legal education on the subject of Pennsylvania's Medicaid "spousal impoverishment rules" which are designed to protect the "community spouse" from impoverishment when the other spouse requires nursing facility care, along with other information about Pennsylvania's Medical Assistance Program. He co-presented with Certified Elder Law Attorney, Marielle Hazen, Esquire. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit was provided.
Knowledgeable. Personable. Well-spoken.
Attending Lawyer from past Medicaid seminar
Long Term Care Planning for Seniors, Pennsylvania Bar Institute, 2010; April 28, 2010. Robert C. Gerhard, III was part of a team of state experts assembled by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute to present the continuing legal education seminar entitled, "Long Term Care Planning for Seniors." This was an all day seminar that was attended by over 400 elder law attorneys from across Pennsylvania. Mr. Gerhard co-presented the Medicaid components and "Elder Law Ethics" hour. 6 Hours of continuing legal education credit was provided.
Medicaid Spousal Protection Rules, Long-Term Care, February 22, 2010. Robert C. Gerhard, III presented a detailed explanation of Pennsylvania's Medicaid rules designed to protect the "community spouse" from impoverishment when the other spouse requires nursing facility care. Current law and Pennsylvania Department of Welfare policy was discussed regarding the use of annuities in this context, including when annuities are not appropriate. (Mr. Gerhard does not sell annuities or accept referral fees from those who do.) Special attention was given to the recently decided case of Weatherbee v. Richman. Location: Montgomery County Estate Planning Council, William Penn Inn. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit was provided.
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's 10th Annual Estate & Elder Law Symposium, February 25, 2009. Robert C. Gerhard, III is pleased to again serve as faculty for PBI's annual Estate and Elder Law Symposium. This year Mr. Gerhard will discuss Medicaid applications, practice and procedure. Attorney Gerhard will share his experience and ideas on how to avoid common Medicaid planning pitfalls and navigate the applicaton process. Learn how to address Medicaid denials on appeal, and apply for hardship waivers where appropriate. Location: PBI Conference Center, Suite 1010 Wanamaker Building, Philadelphia, PA. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit is provided with this session. (6 hours for the day).
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's 11th Annual Elder Law Insitute, "Avoiding Medicaid Mistakes," July 24-25, 2008. In this session, Robert C. Gerhard, III and legal counsel for the Department of Public Welfare, Andrew Coates, Esquire, will discuss many common Medicaid planning mistakes and how to avoid them. Avoid the many traps for the unwary that exist in the field of Medicaid planning. Location: Harrisburg Hilton & Towers, Harrisburg, PA. PBI is the continuing legal education arm of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit is provided with this session. (12 hours over 2 days).
Very good presentation.
Attending Lawyer from past Medicaid seminar
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's General Practitioner's Update 2008, "Estate Law Update," June 4, 2008. As part of the Estate Law Update, elder law specialist Robert C. Gerhard, III will review the major changes in Medicaid and elder law that have occurred over the past year. Sessions presented by other speakers will update general practitioners on the year's changes in various areas of law: Family Law, Real Estate Law, Auto law, Professional Liability. Robert C. Gerhard, III Esq. specializes in elder law and focuses his practice on asset protection from nursing home costs. Location: PBI CLE Conference Center, Suite 1010, Wanamaker Building, Philadelphia, PA. PBI is the continuing legal education arm of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit is provided with this session. (6 hours for the day).
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's 9th Annual Estate & Elder Law Symposium, February 26, 2008. Robert C. Gerhard, III has written and presented extensively on the Medical Assistance Estate Recovery Program. This session of the Institute will cover practical tips on how to successfuly advocate for your clients and comply with applicable estate recovery law. Exceptions to estate recovery, as well as any pending regulatory changes to the program will be discussed. Location: PBI Conference Center, Suite 1010 Wanamaker Building, Philadelphia, PA. PBI is the continuing legal education arm of the Pennsylvania Bar Association. 1 Hour substantive continuing legal education credit is provided with this session. (6 hours for the day).
Pennsylvania Bar Institute's "Annual Elder Law Update, 2007, November 13, 2007, Elder law specialists Robert C. Gerhard, III, Esq., Rob Clofine, Esq., Matthew Parker, Esq., and others will discuss recent changes in Medicaid law. Elder law is one of the most rapidly changing areas of practice in Pennsylvania. The rules and regulations keep being modified and refined. In this annual update, you will hear about the most significant developments of the year. You’ll find out how to calculate Medicaid eligibility since the release of the long-anticipated Department of Public Welfare operations memos. You’ll also explore the advantages and disadvantages of using annuities in planning for long term care and get the latest on the ongoing litigation. Make sure you haven’t missed something important that will affect your clients’ ability to achieve their goals as the rules of the games keep changing. Location: PBI CLE Conference Center in the Wanamaker Building, 6 Hours Continuing Legal Education Credit.
Pennsylvania Medicaid, Applying for Medicaid Benefits from Start to Finish in Pennsylvnia; A Practical Approach, September 20, 2007. Robert C. Gerhard, III Esq. co-presented in all day continuing legal education seminar covering the recent changes in Pennsylvania Medicaid laws which impact long-term care. Special attention was given to Pennsylvania's implementation of the Deficit Reduction Act. One of the greatest concerns of elderly clients is impoverishment due to nursing home or other medical care. While many people create estate plans that protect their assets from probate or taxation, these objectives may be in direct conflict with the eligibility for medical assistance. In the face of rising costs, Medicaid spending has risen faster than the rate of inflation, causing the government to amend the law and restrict eligibility criteria. Sponsored by NBI. 6 Hours Continuing Legal Education Credit.
Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Annual Elder Law Institute 2007, July 2007. Hershey Lodge and Convention Center. Harrisburg Hilton & Towers. The Elder Law Institute provides comprehensive instruction for lawyers on all aspects of elder law. Certified elder law attonrey Robert C. Gerhard, III and Senior Counsel for the Department of Public Welfare, Andrew A. Coates, discussed the most recent developments in the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program. This program collected $27.9 million last year from the estates of deceased Medicaid recipients. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Continuing education credit was provided for attorneys.
Law Practice Management Institute, "Getting and Staying Organized," June 28, 2007. Robert C. Gerhard, III and Donald Martin Esq. presented "Getting and Staying Organized" at PBI's Annual Law Practice Management Institute. Attorneys Gerhard and Martin shared ideas and practice tips on how to organize your practice, including a discussoin of law practice management software, the use of PDA smart phones, and time management techniques. Robert C. Gerhard, III has written several articles on the subject of time management for lawyers. 1 Hour CLE. (The entire course was 6 hours of CLE.)
Deficit Reduction Act and Medicaid Eligibility for Long-term Care, June 19, 2007. Robert C. Gerhard III Esq., and senior counsel for the Department of Public Welfare Andrew A. Coates, Esq. discussed the recently released operations memoranda implementing the Deficit Reduction Act with respect to Medicaid applications filed on or after March 5, 2007. These major changes in Medicaid law restrict eligibility criteria for benefits that cover long-term care in nursing facilities, and home care programs such as the Pennsylvania Department of Aging 60+ Waiver Program. This program was sponsored by the Montgomery Bar Association, in Norristown, PA. Robert C. Gerhard, III has been the chair of the Montgomery Bar Association's Elder Law Committee for many years. 1 Hour CLE.
PBI's General Practitioner's Update, June 6, 2007. Elder law specialist Robert C. Gerhard, III provided the "Elder Law Update" at PBI's annual General Practitioner's Update. Pennsylvania had just recently released it's policy and operations memoranda on how it would implement the Deficit Reduction Act in Pennsylvania. Mr. Gerhard's comments were primarily directed toward these major changes in Medicaid law, as well as recent case law involving alleged legal malpractice involving incomplete Medicaid planning by another attorney. 1 Hour CLE. (6 Hour CLE Course, 1 Hour of CLE taught by Attorney Gerhard)
Representing Individuals Entering a Nursing Home, April 20, 2007. Robert C. Gerhard III, Esq., Matthew Parker, Esq., Rob Clofine, and other elder law attorneys discussed the variety of issues to be considered when a person enters a nursing home. Jeffrey Marshall, Esq. of Marshall, Parker & Associates was the course planner for this well-attended event sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Topics included: Alternatives to Nursing Home Care -- Alternatives to Nursing Homes; Alternatives to Nursing Homes or Accessing Home and Community Based Care and Services in Pennsylvania; Can Family Caregivers be Paid to Provide Care in the Home through the 60+ HCBS Programs (PDA/Aging Waiver and Options)?, Advising the Elderly in Crisis Home Health Care Financing Options; Long Term Care Insurance Post-DRA; Medicare & Medigap; Veterans Benefits: An Introduction to the Veterans Pension Program for Clients Who Are in or about to Enter a Nursing Home; Medicaid; The Most Under-Utilized Trust for Medicaid; Planning; Pennsylvania Medical Assistance Estate Recovery; Federal Court Orders Medicaid Benefits in Spousal Annuity Case; Getting Admitted and Getting Good Care -- The Responsible Thing to do About “Responsible Party” Provision in Nursing Home Agreements; Ethical Issues in Representation; Veterans Benefits.
13th Annual Estate Law Institute, November 16, 2006. Robert C. Gerhard, III will discuss recent changes in Medicaid law and the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program. He will co-present with Andrew A. Coates, Esquire, senior counsel for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. The Estate Law Institute runs from 8:30A.M. to 4:35 P.M. at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Western Concourse, 12th & Arch Streets, Philadelphia.
Excellent. Very knowledgeable about the subject matter.
Comment received on evaluation form from lawyer who attended the September 20, 2007 seminar
Pennsylvania Medicaid: From Qualifying Clients to Applying for Benefits, September 20, 2006. Robert C. Gerhard, III is the course organizer and co-presenter of this annual continuing education course. The event is open to lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors, and nursing home administrators. Learn how to navigate the confusing maze of Medicaid regulations. At this seminar, attorney Gerhard will review the Medicaid basics with co-presenter, Jack Hetherington, and then discuss the recent changes in Medicaid law so you understand how they impact your clients. Sponsored by the National Business Institute. Six hours of CLE, 5 hours substantive, 1 hour ethics. Philadelphia, PA.
Making Sense of Recent Changes in Medicaid Law, August 18, 2006, August 21, 2006, and August 25, 2006 in Harrisburg area, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, respectively. Robert C. Gerhard, III has assembled a team of the state's leading experts to discuss the new Medicaid laws. Robert C. Gerhard, III will be joined by Dana Breslin, Esq., Andrew C. Coates, Esq., Julian E. Gray, Esq., Martin J. Hagen, Esq., Marielle F. Hazen, Esq., Prof. Katherine C. Pearson, and Andrew G. Sykes, Esq. Understanding Medicaid law was already difficult enough, but recent legislative efforts are dramatically changing the rules, additng to the complexity. Act 42 of 2005, signed by Governor Rendell in July of 2005, is now being implemented across the Commonwealth and is affecting thousands of seniors seeking to finance long-term care needs. Furthermore, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) will slow the growth of Medicaid spending by tightening the qualification requirements and curtail many of the more commonly employed Medicaid planning techniques that enable seniors to qualify for public assistance for nursing home care. Robert C. Gerhard, III is the course planner for this statewide seminar, sponsorded by the Pennsylvania Bar Association's continuing legal eduction arm, the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. The course iss co-sponsored by the PBA Elder Law Section. Approved for three hours of substantive CLE credit.
12th Annual Estate Law Institute, January 26 & 27, 2006. Robert C. Gerhard, III will discuss recent changes in Medicaid law and the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program. He will co-present with Andrew A. Coates, Esquire, senior counsel for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. The Estate Law Institute runs from 8:30A.M. to 4:35 P.M. at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Western Concourse, 12th & Arch Streets, Philadelphia.
7th Annual Estate and Elder Law Symposium, April 4, 2006. Robert C. Gerhard, III will present "Medicaid Assistance Estate Recovery- In Depth" He will co-present with Andrew A. Coates, Esquire, senior counsel for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. The Estate and Elder Law Symposium runs from 8:30A.M. to 4:00 P.M. at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Western Concourse, 12th & Arch Streets, Philadelphia.
Avoiding Pennsylvania Medicaid Mistakes February 28, 2005. Montgomery Bar Building, Norristown, PA. 12:00 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. Lunch at noon. Learn the most common Medicaid planning mistakes and how to avoid them. Practical advice will be provided by the experts on how to avoid common pitfalls associated with the Medicaid application process. Medicaid myths will be dispelled. Andrew A. Coates Esq. and Mark Newell Esq. of the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Office of Legal Counsel will join elder law attorney Robert C. Gerhard, III Esq. and former Montgomery County Assistance Office Supervisor, Ann Vetrano. Call the Montgomery Bar Association to register, 610-279-9660 x211. 1 Substantive CLE Credit.
Avoiding Challenges to Legitimate Estate Planning Documents March 28, 2005. Montgomery Bar Building, Norristown, PA. 12:00 P.M. - 1:30 P.M. Orphans’ Court practitioners Thomas A. Boulden, Esq. and Joseph P. McDonald, Esq. will join elder law attorney Robert C. Gerhard, III Esq. to discuss practical ways to help make sure your clients’ testamentary wishes are honored and how to avoid frivolous challenges to properly drafted estate planning documents. The discussion will emphasize ways to make sure that the requisite capacity exists before documents are executed and include suggestions on how to avoid improper charges of undue influence.
Extremely well versed on the subject matter.
Comment received on evaluation form from lawyer who attended the September 20, 2007 seminar
Elder Care in Pennsylvania: Legal and Financial Issues April 25, 2005, Philadelphia, PA. Location: Philadelphia Airport Hilton, 4509 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. Seminar runs from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. and covers estate planning issues when a spouse is confronting health issues, asset protection for seniors, qualifying for Medicaid long-term care programs, preserving family assets when qualifying for Medicaid, ethical considerations when representing the elderly client, long-term care facilities, costs of care and funding sources, and the use of insurance to fund all or a part of long-term care costs. Contact the National Business Institute at (800) 777-8707 to register for this program. Six hours of continuing legal education credit is provided, 5 Substantive, and 1 Ethics.
Applying for Medicaid Benefits from Start to Finish in Pennsylvania: A Practical Approach August 9, 2005, 2005, Philadelphia, PA. Seminar runs from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Pennsylvania elder law attorney Robert C. Gerhard, III will comprehensively cover the basics of Pennsylvania Medicaid planning with special emphasis on the Medicaid application process. Contact the National Business Institute at (800) 777-8707 to register for this program. Six hours of continuing legal education credit is provided, 5 Substantive, and 1 Ethics.
Pennsylvania Bar Institute, 7th Annual Elder Law Institute July 15, 2004 - July 16, 2004. Harrisburg Hilton & Towers. The Elder Law Institute provides comprehensive instruction for lawyers on all aspects of elder law. Robert C. Gerhard, III discussed the most recent developments in the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program. This program collects approximately $22,000,000 to $24,000,000 per year from the estates of Medicaid recipients. Co-presenting with Mr. Gerhard were Ronald Hill, Manager of Pennsylvania's Medicaid Estate Recovery Program, and Andrew A. Coates, Regional Counsel for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Continuing education credit is provided for attorneys.
Medicaid Planning Basics Wednesday, November 10, 2004. Location: Union League of Philadelphia. Continuing legal education seminar sponsored by the George T. Bisel Company. Registration 8:00 A.M. 2 Substantive, 1 Ethics Credit. Please call (215) 923-4253 to register. Attendees will receive a copy of the Bisel Treatise entitled Pennsylvania Medicaid by Robert C. Gerhard, III, Esquire, Certified Elder Law Attorney.
Understanding Medicaid and Pennsylvania Estate Recovery December 16, 2004. One of the greatest concerns of your elderly clients is impoverishment due to nursing home or other medical care. Many do not realize that they may need to re-pay the Commonwealth for the Medicaid grant, or that there are often legal ways to avoid or minimize estate recovery. Get the information you need to steer your clients in the right direction. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or NBI will refund your tuition. Location: Philadelphia Airport Hilton, 4509 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA. This continuing legal education course is sponsored by National Business Institute. Two three hour sessions, morning and afternoon. Three hours of substantive continuing legal education provided to attendees. Attendees have the choice of a morning or afternoon session.
Pennsylvania Bar Institute, 8th Annual Elder Law Institute July 21, 2004 - July 22, 2004. Harrisburg Hilton & Towers. The Elder Law Institute provides comprehensive instruction for lawyers on all aspects of elder law. Robert C. Gerhard, III will discuss the most recent developments in the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program. The Medicaid Estate Recovery Program collects approximately $22,000,000 to $24,000,000 per year from the estates of certain deceased Medicaid recipients. Mr. Gerhard will discuss the legal planning techniques to avoid or minimize estate recovery. This year's presentation will focus on the details of the special exceptions to estate recovery. Co-presenting with Mr. Gerhard will be Andrew A. Coates, Regional Counsel for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Continuing education credit is provided for attorneys.
Very knowledgeable. Down-to-earth.
Comment received on evaluation form from lawyer who attended the September 20, 2007 seminar
Representing an Individual Entering a Nursing Home June 13, 2003. Robert C. Gerhard, III served as moderator and as part of the faculty for this all day symposium on representing an individual entering a nursing home. 6 Hours of CLE credit were granted to the lawyers in attendance.
Pennsylvania Bar Institute, 6th Annual Elder Law Institute July 24, 2003 and July 25, 2003. Robert C. Gerhard, III provided instruction on the nuts and bolts of the "Medicaid Application Process." This well attended seminar gave practical tips and advice on how to avoid the common pitfalls and difficulties encountered when applying for Medicaid benefits to pay for nursing home care or home care services under the PDA Waiver Program.
Elder Law for the General Practitioner November 17, 2003. Robert C. Gerhard, III and Katherine Pearson, Professor at the Dickinson School of Law, co-presented for the Bisel Institute. The topic was elder law for the general practitioner, and covered Medicaid planning, and representing an individual entering a nursing home. Emphasis was placed on Medicaid asset protection planning and how to review and execute nursing home admissions agreements.
New Proposed Medicaid Estate Recovery Regulations February 25, 2002. Montgomery County Bar Building, Norristown. Robert C. Gerhard, III and regional counsel for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, Andrew Coates, Esquire, discussed recent developments in elder law and the new proposed Medicaid estate recovery regulations. One hour of CLE credit for attorneys.
Advanced Medicaid Planning Issues in Pennsylvania May 8, 2002 in Philadelphia, May 15, 2002 in Harrisburg area. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI). Robert C. Gerhard, taught with other certified elder law attorneys on advanced Medicaid planning topics including recent developments in elder law and the hot topic of the new Medicaid Estate Recovery Regulations. Accredited for 6 hours of CLE credits for attorneys.
Pennsylvania Bar Institute, 5th Annual Elder Law Institute July 25, 2002 and July 26, 2002. Harrisburg Hilton & Towers. The Elder Law Institute provides comprehensive instruction for lawyers on all aspects of elder law. This year, Robert C. Gerhard, III co-presented with Larry Frolik on the topic of "Interviewing the Elderly Client and their Family Member Caregivers." Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute and CLE credit is provided for attorneys.
General Practitioner's Annual Update 2002 Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. August 29, 2002. Philadelphia Bar Education Center, Philadelphia, PA Robert C. Gerhard, III discussed changes over the past year in the field of elder law, including important cases that have been decided as well as recent statutory and regulatory changes and how they effect Medicaid planning strategies. 6 hours of CLE, one hour is elder law.
Reverse Mortgages January 22, 2001. Robert C. Gerhard, III chaired the January Montgomery County Elder Law Committee Meeting with guest, Anthony Gatto, of Allied Mortgage Capital Corporation. The topic of our January meeting was the advantages and disadvantages of reverse mortgages. One hour of substantive continuing legal education credit for attorneys.
Estate and Elder Law Symposium February 2, 2001, Robert C. Gerhard, III was among the speakers discussing recent changes in estate planning and elder law issues at the Wyndham Franklin Plaza, Two Franklin Plaza, 17th & Vine Streets, Philadelphia, PA The course ran from 8:30 A.M. to 4:35 P.M. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
Long Term Care Insurance March 26, 2001. Robert C. Gerhard, III chairs the March Montgomery County Elder Law Committee Meeting. The topic of our March meeting was a comprehensive examination of Long Term Care Insurance. Who should and should not purchase long term care insurance. What to look for in long term care insurance. How long term care insurance works. Two hours of substantive continuing legal education credit for attorneys.
Pennsylvania Elder Law and Medicaid Planning Friday, March 16, 2001 in Allentown and Friday, March 23, 2001 in Philadelphia. A one-day seminar examining important elder law issues in today's changing environment including estate recovery, Medicaid applications, nursing home legal responsibilities, and Medicaid planning strategies. Co-sponsored by the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and Professional Education Systems.
Keeping a Law Office Organized Presented for the Pennsylvania Bar Association's "Solo and Small Firm Practice Retreat," March 23, 2001 and March 24, 2001. The Clarion Hotel & Convention Center, Carlisle, PA. Robert C. Gerhard, III discussed how his estate planning and elder law firm uses case management software and regular file reviews to monitor the status of active cases. One hour ethics credit for attorneys. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
General Practitioner's Annual Update 2001 Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. June 6, 2001. Philadelphia Bar Education Center, Philadelphia, PA Robert C. Gerhard, III discssed changes over the past year in the field of elder law, including important cases that have been decided as well as recent statutory and regulatory changes and how they effect Medicaid planning strategies. 6 hours of CLE, one hour is elder law.
Montgomery Count Aging and Adult Services Update June 25, 2001. Robert C. Gerhard, III chaired the March Montgomery County Elder Law Committee Meeting. The topic of our June meeting was an update on the services available through the office of Aging and Adult Services. Robert Gerhard will serve as moderator with guest, Joanne Kline, Director of Montgomery County Aging and Adult Services. One hour of substantive continuing legal education credit for attorneys.
Pennsylvania Bar Institute, 4th Annual Elder Law Institute July 10, 2001 - July 11, 2001. Harrisburg Hilton & Towers. The Elder Law Institute provides comprehensive instruction for lawyers on all aspects of elder law. Robert C. Gerhard, III will update those who attend his session on the most recent developments in the Medicaid Estate Recovery Program including important proposed regulations now pending. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Continuing education credit for attorneys.
Geriatric Care Managers and Nursing Home Resident Rights August 13, 2001. Robert C. Gerhard, III was joined by Dolores Magid and Beverly Bernstein-Joie, professional geriatric care managers, to discuss how best to integrate professional geriatric care management and legal services in a multi-disciplinary approach to elder law. The Nursing Home Reform Act ("OBRA '87) was covered together with practical advice on dealing with nursing homes deficient in meeting the obligations to residents. Sponsored by the Montgomery Bar Association, Elder Law Committee. One hour of ethics continuing education credit for attorneys.
Elder Law Ethics November 26, 2001. Robert C. Gerhard, III Esq. and David R. Yoder Esq. of the Pennsylvania Bar Association Ethic Committee spoke on the subject of professional responsibility and ethical issues that arise in the elder law practice. Sponsored by the Montgomery Bar Association, Elder Law Committee. One hour of ethics continuing education credit for attorneys.
3rd Annual Elder Law Institute July 14, 2000. Hershey Lodge & Convention Center. The Elder Law Institute provides comprehensive teaching for lawyers on all aspects of elder law. Robert C. Gerhard, III and Ron Hill, the manager of the Estate Recovery Program for the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, Harrisburg, PA, presented continuing legal education on the Estate Recovery Program. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
Medicaid and Medicaid Planning in Pennsylvania August 18, 2000. The Penn Tower Hotel, Philadelphia. This seminar has been designed to take an in-depth look at Medicaid and Medicaid planning. Robert C. Gerhard III taught the "Basics of Medicaid" portion of the program as well as the segment on the details of the application process. The program was for social workers, attorneys, nursing home administrators, accountants, and certified financial planners. Sponsored by MEDS.
Advanced Medicaid Planning Issues in Pennsylvania, September 18, 2000. Montgomery County Bar Building, Norristown. 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. Robert C. Gerhard, III was the moderator and part of the faculty teaching advanced Medicaid planning topics including recent developments in elder law, Medicaid-related tax planning together with a panel of experts including representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare Office of Legal Counsel.
Selected Tax Issues in Medicaid Planning October 16, 2000. Elder Law Committee Meeting Lunch and Learn, Montgomery County Bar Building, Norristown. 12:00 P.M. Robert C. Gerhard, III discussed Medicaid-related tax planning.
Doctors Who Make House Calls November 20, 2000, Robert C. Gerhard, III chairs the November Montgomery County Elder Law Committee Meeting with featured speaker Jerry Driscoll of Primary HomeCare Physicians who spoke about medical, custodial, and social services available to senior citizens who would rather have their medical problems treated at home than go to a nursing home. We learned the assessment process and how doctors, nurses, therapists, and home health aides can be hired to allow a senior to stay at home. He also discussed the billing methods for some of these services under Medicare Part A and the Medicaid waiver program.